This weekend, I checked on the two nucs I set up a week ago. Here are some of the things I looked for:
- At this point in time, I am mostly concerned about the queens. Are they out of the queen cages and on a frame?
- Do I still have plenty of bees on the frames? (Some of them will return to the hives I moved them from.)
- Are the bees drawing out the frames of foundation I placed in the nucs when I set them up?
- Are they taking the syrup from the feeder jars I placed in the hives?
I was pleased to find that the answer to last three questions was yes, and I refilled the feeder jars. However, I was not so fortunate on the first and most important issue. In Nuc #2, the queen was released and on the comb; it is fine. In nuc #1, I had messed up. I missed the presence of three queen cells on one of the brood frames. They were probably small and uncapped at the time, but their presence can interfere with the bees’ freeing and accepting the queen I had installed in the nuc. They are now capped queen cells. Continue reading