Interested in becoming a beekeeper?
Think you’re interested?
Want to learn more?
You’re at the right place!
Check out the links below, start with my “tips on getting started”. You may also download Dr. Tom Webster’s Beginning Beekeeping: a Guide for Beginners, a brief informational beginning beekeeping guide. The first 15 pages of this guide address honey bee biology, read to learn about this interesting insect. When people tell me they are interested in beekeeping, they typically give me one of two reasons for the interest. “I want to make my own honey” and “honey bees are FASCINATING!”
Good luck! (And feel free to contact me with questions)
Phils Tip’s on Getting Started as a Beekeeper Jan 12
KY Beekeeping Guide for Beginners TWebster REV 2007
One of the best beginning beekeeping books is “First Lessons in Beekeeping” by Keith S. Delaplane, chapters 1 & 2 may be read at the Bee Health Extension webpage.
Another great resource by Dr. Delaplane and now available via the internet, also at the Bee Health extension webpage, is his Honey Bees and beekeeping a year in the life of an apiary video series. Bee aware that this video series was produced a number of years ago and some of the discussion involving disease and parasite control is dated.
For more information helpful to beginners, see these earlier posts by Phil:
- Beginning Beekeeping posts by Phil
- A tale of two hives – a series of posts that track the progress, including installation, of two packages of bees.
- A Tale of Two Nucs – a series of posts that track the progress, including setting them up, of two nucs.
- Honey Bee Biology – posts relating to the biology of the honey bee
- Buying Bees and Beekeeping Equipment