If you enjoyed reading the posts from my trip to Bangladesh, you may also be interested in these from Richard Underhill about his own recent beekeeping trip to Ethiopia. Richard is a beekeeper from Proctor, Arkansas, just across the river from Tennessee. He is past president of the Tennessee Beekeepers Association, current vice-president of the Arkansas State Beekeepers, and has attended Heartland Apicultural Society meetings and the Bluegrass Beekeeping School. I remember my wife typing in the registration forms for the bluegrass school and mentioning that we had someone coming from Arkansas. I said that, technically, he’s almost in Tennessee – depends on the current path of the Mississippi. At one of these meetings, Richard and I became aquainted. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed his friendship and his posts.
Like mine, Richard’s trip was organized by Winrock International. They have approached me about going to Africa as well – we’ll see. Richard’s posts of his Ethiopia trip can be found at his webpage. Just scroll down into March. The Africa travels are not over for the Underhill family. Richard’s son Tod is presently in Ethiopia, on his own Winrock assignment.